www.gusucode.com > Toyota Human Support Robot (HSR) Examples 程序工具箱matlab源码 > Toyota Human Support Robot (HSR) Examples/MATLAB_HSR_Examples/doc/HSRExampleMenu.m

    %% Examples for the Human Support Robot (HSR) using MATLAB/Simulink
% The examples were tested with MATLAB R2018a and the Toyota HSR repository with ROS Kinetic
% and Gazebo.

%% System Requirements
% * MATLAB(R) R2018a
% * Robotics System Toolbox(TM)
% * Image Processing Toolbox(TM)(Optional)
% * Computer Vision System Toolbox(TM)(Optional)
% * HSR SDK rev. 2018.5.28 from Toyota (Tested with ROS Kinetic Kame)

%% Setup the Environment
% * <matlab:open('HSRSetup.html'); Setup HSR development environment>

%% Launch Gazebo when using 'sim_mode'
% Launch HSR simulator using the following command on the development machine:
%  $ roslaunch hsrb_gazebo_launch hsrb_megaweb2015_no_objects_world.launch 

%% Connect to a ROS Master in the HSR
% You can use the rosinit command to connect to a ROS master in the HSR(for
% example running on an actual robot or a simulator).
%   PC_IP =''; 
%   HSR_IP='';
%   setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI',['http://' HSR_IP ':11311'])
%   setenv('ROS_IP',HSR_IP)
%   rosinit(HSR_IP,'NodeHost',PC_IP);

%% Moving the Arm
% * <matlab:open('armControl_topic'); Control using ROS topic>
% * <matlab:open('armControl_actionlib'); Control using ROS actionlib>
% * <matlab:open_system('armControlSimulink.slx'); Control using ROS topic with Simulink>

%% Moving the Head
% * <matlab:open('headControl_topic'); Control using ROS topic>

%% Moving the Gripper
% * <matlab:open('gripperControl_topic'); Control using ROS topic>

%% Base Control
% * <matlab:open('baseControl_Twist'); Control using ROS topic (Twist)>
% * <matlab:open('baseControl_JointTrajectory'); Control using ROS topic (Joint Trajectory)>
% * <matlab:open('baseControl_actionlib'); Control using ROS actionlib>
% * <matlab:open_system('baseControlSimulink.slx'); Control using ROS topic (Joint Trajectory) with Simulink>

%% Point Cloud Data Processing
% This example requires Computer Vision System Toolbox.
% * <matlab:open('pointCloudExample'); Point cloud processing>

%% Image Processing
% This example requires Image Processing Toolbox.
% * <matlab:open('imageProcessing.m'); Image processing example>

% Copyright 2018 The MathWorks, Inc.